He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Falling Governments

I was awakened a half hour before my television alarm went off and I didn't feel like studying for my math test. So....instead I am sitting here listening to the Rouges of Scotland (a bagpipe group) and I decided that I might as well type something up.

Democracy is coming, but it is a slow process. Watch this, I am actually going to give President Bush credit for something. His stand on undemocratic foreign governments appears to possibly be having some influence. If you check the news you will see that Lebanon is on the move towards a real representative government, Eygpt is claiming that elections are coming, and that lovely man who got poisoned in the Ukraine seems to have gotten a fair election this time. If more of Bush's supporters actually read the news and could understand what is going on they would be sure to give all sorts of praise and making even getting some others to join the parade. But, they don't, so they aren't.
It is unlikely that all of this would be going on if we had never had the Dubya in office at some point, but I think people, that would try to give credit, would attempt to give to much credit to our recent policy and would be a little behind the times in these ideas. The wheels had been set to rolling long before Bush made his most recent threats of spreading democracy around the world. Syria (our next target) has long been the leader of Lebanon's puppet government and, for quite some time, has been claiming that it would be removing its puppet strings in short order. In the past few years we have seen less Syrian troops occupying Lebanon, and now, after trying to extend their length of control, Syria is feeling the pressure to get moving.
So....even if this was Georgie's doing, how much so? And did he do it in the right manner? Wouldn't it seem likely that there are other ways to exert our influence?
One more thing, if Lebanon's government does fall, do you know what will take over? A good portion of the Lebanese population is part of the terrorist group Hezbollah, so it isn't like we will be having the most friendly government if we get a new one anyway. I guess the only option is to jump into Syria to spread democracy and take Lebanon on the side.



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