He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Turning over a new leaf or rolling in my future grave?

This just keeps getting odder. Today I wake up at 6:45 with no alarm. I didn't go to bed til around 1, but I still wander out of my sleeping bag. I have never had this early wake-up thing happen to me for such an extended period. And I don't even feel tired or unrested once I do get up so I don't think the credit goes to sleeping on the ground in my family room every night. Whatever could it be?
The worst part is that, this morning, I have no homework to do. I suppose I could start work on a paper that is due monday or study for my test that is on tuesday, but that would just be silly. Yeah, so instead of doing either of those, I am posting on here. Unfortunately I don't have a cool story to tell like Sarah.
(By coincidence when I was typing Sarah's name I actually first typed Satan. Perhaps that was more than a mispelling and actually a Freudian slip. Wouldn't that be cool? Turns out I think Sarah is Satan, which would bring into question why I worship her. Hmmmmm.)
Dang, I typed that for a little bit but still couldn't come up with a cool story to tell. How unfair that I live such a boring life.



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