He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.

Ummmm, Arbor Day is coming up on friday. Go plant a tree. Actually, I have trees that you can plant if you like. I think saying "Go plant a tree" would be a good replacement for "Go take a hike". But that is offensive to trees (and hippies). Actually, I like trees, if you trash talk 'em, you go down.

My trend towards ever increasing laziness in regards to schoolwork has continued. So far this week I have written two presentation on the day of (or during the class) and made two visual aids in the half hour before each class. I dig me some o' this. Really I would prefer if I could do this work early, but I can't, because I can. If you dig me. Oh, I should study for that test tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, RCTC isn't that easy, I am just that much of a genius. Teehee.

I ran out of gas on 9 this morning. It was hilarious how not close I was to a gas station. Turns out my truck's gauge doesn't go down all the way to E before being empty. Thanks to the Wally for being around and not minding being late for school. I reeked of gas all day.

Jamie knows what I am talking about with this next paragraph. Suicide huh? I am still working that one out. Finally realizing human futility or taking the easy way out? Or both? Or simply the fragility of the human spirit? My how I hate not understanding. There are so many things to know and then there are the things that you can never figure out. Fuck. Goodness, Jamie, I was looking through all of those pictures and got all teary. You folks know I don't cry for much. Not unless I am either really messed up by something or trying really hard.


Note for the future: Whenever I have enough free time that I won't be spending outside, I have a neato post to lay down. It is all about whiny Christians and the misunderstanding that they have with us Liberals. Same shit, different platter. But I even took notes during church so I thought it warranted writing out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lorax...I read that many times to a camper I had last summer...Diana. She was unable to speak and had severe retardation, but she could hear and that was her favorite book. I bet she'd plant you a tree. If I wasn't in North Da frecking koda where its a mirical if any tree grows, I'd plant one too.
But it is a weird post to see you wondering about human futility...isn't that my realm? I didn't think you were the apathetic one here but whatever. I'd say take your own advice and plant a tree...forget about these morbid thoughts they aren't healthy for anyone...just look at Rasklonikov. Razhumakhin is the far healthier foil, be like him.

8:14 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Like I said, Jamie knows what I am talking about there. Your realm is human whining. I am allowed to branch out to whatever topic I stumble upon. Limitless, I am.

I used the Lorax quote as part of a speech earlier this week. I am a putz.

12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess any talk about human futility can be taken as whining In which case you are limitless. My whining is only a reflection of what you really want to talk about :p
But I'm done with this banter for now, i grow weary.

6:17 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Goodness Em, the whole human futility phrase was based around what could make a person commit suicide. And, no, it is not whining, it has simply been done. I choose to poke fun at you, as a whiner, because you are an enigma and I figured you couldn't be bothered by such things. I thought you have moved beyond such things with your limitlessness.

7:12 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

"...i grow weary." HA

7:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:53 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nah, Albert, you folks spend too much time and put forth to much effort in trying to use discussion to solve meta-problems. I can do that by myself if I like, and I guarantee that if we are ever to have great philisophical discoveries, it will come from a hermit who communicates with the past, not from young folks writing at length about such things.
Go plant a tree.

10:00 AM


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