He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

In a dream:

It was told to me in dream that I am not ready for death. It has long been my belief that a person should always be ready for death, but apparently I don't live up to that ideal...or so said my dream. This may be the first dream that I can remember the details to for a number of years. But I don't feel like sharing them. I think I am recalling them this well because this beast was enough to drive me from my sleep. It would not be surprising if I had awoken with a yelp that I did not hear. I would prefer that it were a yawp, but that was not to be. It does not dawn on me why I should care if the end would come. There is nothing to fear but fear itself and all that good stuff should come to mind.
The proper means of expression for this are not with me at this time. A challenge it appears. This one I will go forward with. This will be placed in context and set out before me. I challenge myself to sort this one out. After all (fake philosophy time), the only one who can really challenge me (or you), is me (or you).
I don't think that I will be dead anytime soon, but I do know this:
If I knew I should die tomorrow, I would plant a tree today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like dreams, especially nightmares. They make you think your own life is actually interesting enough to have a premenition about. hmmm...as for the death thing, if time doesn't exist anyway death doesn't matter. We are simeltaneously doing everything. Mayhaps I should go to school now. Goodday

5:28 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Eh, when dead, who cares?

6:49 AM

Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

it's my dream to become johnny babyseed. i would "wander" the country planting my seed in many beautiful women. there would be adventures but those would most likely be side notes to the real duty at hand.

4:36 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Ah, the Buddhism and Christianity combo.
Yeah, I dig the tree stuff. I was thinking of Logan Acorn or Robert Sapling-head. Neither really fit.
Conveniently,I don't think the Dick would have to change his name.
As for the injustice...screw you, we have to worry more about catching things on fences as we jump over them. I guess having big ol' boobies and a uterus really doesn't facilitate traveling. All that gettin' preggers and whatnot.

4:45 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, I noticed.

8:43 AM


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