He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, April 11, 2005

In a nut shell

What have I been up to? Surprisingly, I think I might have something to say that actually was worthwhile. I was...well...wait...maybe not. There might be something and I will let you know if I think of it. Somehow I haven't posted on here in a week and I am working out why that is.
Last week I spent a good portion of my time out and the g-parent's cutting things down and burning up brush. Unfortunately, nature is quite distracting so I ended up on a number of walks in the woods. Blaim can be laid on my sister for my not accomplishing all that I would have liked to get done. But I will always have more time.
There are plenty of things that I did get done including: working in my couple of home gardens, starting in on the gardens out at the g-parent's, tree trimming in a number of areas, and ordering some plants. Oh yeah, good stuff.
But, somehow, instead of being happy about the things I have gotten done I am rather annoyed and almost upset at the fact that St. Cloud is trying to suck another $130 out of me. They don't believe that I returned my wrestling equipment, and I have realized that I was forgetful, maybe even neglectful, in that I didn't make sure that I had all of my paperwork taken care of when I left there. I think I was so upset about my wrestling career coming to an end (I felt like such a pussy) that I managed to not take care of everything. Now, I have this hanging over me. I really really don't want to pay that shit, do you know how many trees that could buy? But I can't see any way around it as I don't think that they are going to be very accomodating for me.
I did get to spend some good times wrestling this last weekend. I was undefeated in Freestyle for all of one match. And it was quite a match. I avenge a loss to a guy who had beaten me in Greco the night before. Sadly, I am a sissy so I injured myself and haven't been moving to the fullest lately. Good times though.
Huh, didn't even have a single interesting thought this night. I guess I have no time for such things now that I have started work again. Time to get back to studying just the same.



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