He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Personal Best:

A new record may have been set yesterday. In the span of 45 minutes between 11:15 and 12:00 I wrote over 5 full pages of an essay that I needed to get done. Not to mention a Works Cited page. I also was occasionally scanning the internet at the same time. I can't say that is was my best work, but it was good enough. That just means that I have sunk to a lower level of procrastination and disregard for my work than ever before.
But, this is exciting, I did read something that confirms what I have always believed. Turns out I am just lazy because my small town school was incapable of providing me with any sort of challenge and I therefore never developed the skills necessary to excel as a student. Those bastards, I should be at a friggin' good school. It is nice to have someone to blame, hehe. Ms. Vosler once told my mother that I was the brightest student she ever had, but also one of the laziest. Doesn't she know how to read? It totally isn't my fault that during my formative years, when I should have been developing proper working skills, I was instead getting bored and causing trouble. Also, turns out that I wasn't actually an annoying know-it-all jackass as a child, I was actually just very curious and interested in our subjects of study but was not allowed to study them further. Maybe I am still just a child now. I have more to post along these issues, but, for now, I will just end by telling Emily that she is lucky that she went to a high school that actually provides challenging courses and gives a slight bit of a damn about her.
Hehehe, it is so classically American of me to blame this on something else, but I guess I am not completely American in that I know that this is only part of what happened to me. The rest is still my fault, I would like a littly sympathy though.


PS: Seth W. requested that I mention bridge painting on here. So...there ya go.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Rage? hahaha, I was just being whiny, not ragey.
By the way, I go with #1. Mostly because I will never expose myself to anything that challenges me, 'cause math and science are worthless. And not exposing myself is different than ignoring it.

1:58 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

C'mon, we have already discovered that light bends, the universe is virtually infinite (and ever expanding), and we can split atoms. Finish working those things out, maybe end cancer and AIDS, and then quit. We have enough shit to worry about without you nerds giving us more shit to buy.

6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Logan is a #1, I've turned into the #2. Yes, I suppose I'm lucky to have the opportunity of AP classes and all that shit, but in the end it really doesn't matter because you just get apathetic anyway. I used to try hard last year and the year before until I realized that if you have enough talent for things, you shouldn't have to rely on teachings, and if you don't have the talent, any hard work you do is basically kidding yourself. So I guess you should only work hard if you can get something out of it...like stability.

3:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work that has no purpose that gives us false pretenses
That would spoil our brain taking it up
Sucking it up
Teaching it things that mean nothing
In the grand scheme of things
And things become things upon things that mean something
Only in the midst of a vast pattern of nothing
That I see around me, drowning her, burning him
Passions resurfacing, chaos rebounding

3:37 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Small schools = good
The smallness forces kids into leadership positions that would likely have gone to the political kids at big schools.

Small schools = Bad
Latin isn't offered many places.

Six of one; a half dozen of the other.

8:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope, don't buy it for a second...in large schools there are more activities offered...more variety to find something for EVERYONE...making EVERYONE a leader. hah, now i'm not even arguing my point anymore. Oh well...one word sums all...Bah!

3:26 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hell yes, I dropped calculus like leaving your momma on the corner. I had all I wanted of that in my two weeks. You are forgetting that there is a difference between being challenged and not giving enough of a shit to do the work. Harris knew I wasn't putting real effort into it and I knew it as well. I couldn't find any reason for me to actually work at it. I knew that I would never use it and would never want to be witty at a party by talking about calculus and so I took the other path, an English class. And that, that has made all the difference.

7:23 PM


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