He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Learning is always key.

Last night, at the T-wolves gave, I learned that a sports team could have more cheerleaders than athletes. This is a neat idea. It also led me to the idea of cheerleaders for baseball teams. They would line up in the foul areas near the first and third baselines. It would cost a little more in tickets to pay for all this, but who wouldn't pay a little more to watch busty blongs in miniskirts and hooker boots try to get out of the way of foul balls, running players, and broken bats?

Currently the debate is raging within me whether I should devote my freetime to working outdoors or if I need to get back to the reading that I used to do so often. I haven't been able to write much poetry as I first must read 100 poems for every one that I write and that troubles me. If I am ever going to have a career as a struggling writer just getting by as a teacher, I need to at least practice my craft. My new goal is to turn my outdoor work into my thinking time. Unfortunately, I get too involved in my projects so that they are not mindless activities but instead require my devotion and imagination. Damn the natural world for its beauty and ability to captivate me. Their are ideas, ideals, and idealogies that I would like to sort out, but simply become to involved in my works to have the time for. There is a longing in my for the time when I get back to course that require real thinking for me. I need someone to demand something of me so that I will actually apply my full abilities to it. Alrighty.



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