He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, April 15, 2005

To ponder is to delay, to think is to decide.

Well, I got 100 trees today, but I have to give some of them away. Bah!

This evening has been one of the least eventful of recent memory. And I even put on a nice Land O' Lakes Seed shirt. I guess it will be off to bed for me soon. I had considered actually putting some time into a couple of my essays that I had started for fun, but I just can't see the purpose. Early to bed and then early to rise seems like a more productive action. One of these days (I love how I constantly put these things off.), I will do some work on both the "I believe" essay and, the newly begun, "Where I Stand" essays. Trust me, the titles sound much alike, but I do them in much different ways. One is all about current debate (maybe that means I should get to it, eh, they will continue for a while), while the other is more of a philosophy piece.



Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well, turns out that I didn't go to bed. I wandered about and ended up walking through coals to end my evening. The things boredom will make me do.

10:31 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, that was the only reason I talked to you last night, I thought it might remind you of the people you have abandoned hehehe.

7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Boredom, how I love thee so! I reccomend painting, its a good passtime. I've painted many a thing lately. Perhaps I'll take pictures of the painting and scan them into my blog for you, perhaps not. I'd rather read those essays first, you fucking slacker. ;)

4:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i was also wondering...
are the essays being put off cause you're lazy or because you just don't care?

4:03 PM


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