He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

"So little time and so little to do."

That brief hiatus from blogging was brought to you by RCTC and my immeasurable use of procrastination. That, and I was lazy. Finding decent things to write about is becoming difficult for me. I can see no reason to type out most of the things that I think about and a good bit of the rest is beyond all comprehension as I have not thought those things out to the point that they can be understood.
Music is good, music is important, so, here you go...my suggestions. If you haven't already, check out Jack Johnson. Surfers know what life really should be about. "By now, we should know how to communicate instead of comin' to blows." Danged hippy. Joss Stone, I dig her. Johnny Cash, American Recordings era. Al Green, mostly 'Ain't No Sunshine'. The Hot Hot Heat have been rockin' me as well lately. Last one, Bjork, her older stuff, she may be a crazy, but I heart her.
Lately, I have had folks remind me on a number of occasions that I was a member of the Liberal Elite. It seems they meant it as an insult, but they are just silly. People are supposed to feel bad that they have bothered to be educated and informed? The right is more than a little like the Amish. They believe that knowledge makes us prideful and, more importantly, makes us question. As a member of the Liberal Elite I will be recommending that most people become disenfranchised. Too stupid to vote. Well, at least that was another thing told to me about me at one time or another. So, as a proud member of the Liberal Elite (I don't know if I actually though; I have no power, no say, and no ambition.) eat my ass. Really though, I sure wish I was member of the Monetary Elite. They are the ones who are working to turn everyone against my kind, conveniently, that leaves more for them. What a bunch of Leonards.
By the way, this is a much less eloquent and much more compressed version of my thoughts. I don't think you folks want the whole long thing as you need to use all your time trying to read all of Jamie's posts.


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. That's my standard reply to your posts, I think. But where the hell do people get the idea that you're in the Liberal Elite? I want to be in the Liberal Elite! No fair.

Ok, let's go to grand march now.

4:47 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, my current playlist is probably the same one I had a couple years ago. It just all rotates through, with one or two add ons each time.

Look at me.
Don't I look elite?


8:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The right is more than a little like the Amish. They believe that knowledge makes us prideful and, more importantly, makes us question."
...hmmmm, how many of our family is conservative....
...another hmmm...how many in our family home-school???

Dear god we are rebels. Apathetic, suto-homosexual and intellectuals, tree-hugging, peace lovings liberals. Oh my Averys watch out.

6:37 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Actually, we only have one family that still does it and one family that made it all the way through high school doing it. And look how great those Sally-ass Larrys turned out. The others all gave up and moved on to some sort of other public or private school (El Shadon't).

I don't think they have to look out for you yet. Unless you become vocal. I am the only one (Doron too, but nearly so much) leading them to evil. My goal is a switch to 50-75% liberals in a single generation. Also, Maxine is anti-Bush too. Molly is evil too, I think. There will be others. Ahahahahaha.

6:48 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Also, we had better just stay psuedo-homosexual rather than switching all the way over then, because, if we go gay we will get disowned and won't get to bring the children to evil.

4:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! If I became vocal about things, I'd get more trouble than I really care to deal with at this moment in time...people are already upset that I don't exactly fit their ancient association of only child syndrom...to find out that I'm evil in more ways than one will be entirely too much. Times change. Today's conservatives could very well have been yesterday's liberals. That's the way it goes. Damn liberals who want to change everything. Damn John Stuart Mill.

5:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"there's and evil loose in Salem"...that evil is liberalism, and the victim? West Concord natives...

5:32 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

"people are already upset that I don't exactly fit their ancient association of only child syndrom"
Yes, you do.

7:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I meant was that they get mad whenever I try to break out of it...so I just play it up even more to keep all of you happy. What do you think all that aloof snobbiness was? I'm not really like that, its just eaiser to let you think I am. At least I don't have YOUNGEST child syndrom where you have to have all the attention all the time. I don't know how I fit the ancient association of being spoiled with attention when I spend most of my time as far away from the attention as possible. Damn weirdos.

Now I'm not really that upset so don't go trying to say that I just blew this way out of porportion. I just wanted to set the record straight. And now, I will not watch or read that damn fight club because I've got better things to read like Dante's Inferno to get in touch with my true evilness.

5:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...or Inivisible Man...maybe if you'd have read that classic you would know that my act of snobbiness was just "Yessing you to death" :p :p :p

5:15 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

It is a curse, but I can handle it. They put me last, but gave me good adaptive skills as well. Instead of being a hindrance, it was an enhancement. I have hell of a lot more skill in all sorts of areas now than I would have if I sent myself to the back.
Yeah, don't act so mad. We are what we make ourselves.

6:44 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nope, I would go with Fight Club first.

6:45 PM


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