He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hey hey, I'm illiterate.

I have about ten minutes before I begin my first session of my only class that should be a bit hard. Five credits? Honestly.
(Interjection: Wow, the kid sitting next to me has some huge old-school headphones. I think he might be listening to 80's rock. Oh, he's talking, he sounds awesome too. I want to be his main squeeze.)
Anyone here miss the TV show Alf? Is it on at some time on TVLand that I am unaware of? I say that it should be on right after Boy Meets World every night.
(Update: Now the guy is sniffing (actually, I think it might be a quick exhale) and twitching while he does it. Sweet.)
Goodness. Some people really need haircuts. I am not saying this because I think we all need crewcuts, but because, honestly, we all know that those big curly mops are a pain in the ass. Quit trying to express yourself through your hair and save some precious oils by using less shampoo.
I thought of something to write about the other day, but I forgot it.
Made a trek up to Inspiration Point yesterday, it was good to back, too much time had passed since the last visit.
(Ooh, I just noticed the cute girl across the room. I wonder if she is one of those Mac snobs who thinks I am a loser because I don't use one. She should at least have a good reason to think I am a loser, there are plenty.)
Last point. I discovered a large number of small holes on the back of the shorts I am wearing. They look like they came from coals landing on my shorts and burning there for a while. They have also been there for quite some time as they are starting to fringe. So, has anyone noticed these before; do they look like holes that would be in those fancy, already-beat-up clothes that people buy; and does anyone remember the last time I fell in a fire? I really have no idea when this happened.

Peace out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:12 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Damn, I am starting to get invaded. I will be semi-diligent in deleting these advertising posts.

11:03 AM


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