He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Temptations and titillation

How dare I go to a school with a 7:1 girl to guy ratio, what was I thinking? Let's take a poll, do I ditch the girl? Kidding, Amanda, I wouldn't let these folks vote on that, I will just do a self poll.

Second temptation, this laptop and wireless is going to be the death of my paying attention in class. Especially since I am too lazy to actually write out my notes so I type them up. That means that I have internet a click away. Everyone here must go through this.

The third temptation is related to my activities of yesterday, you will have to guess at it as I am going to go off on some tangent and will run too long for me to feel like explaining anymore. And, no, it wasn't possibility of sex with Holly (if you don't know who that is, sorry). She is much too much of a prude for that.

Sleeping hasn't been a friend to me as of late. I am pretty sure that I almost died on the way home from St. Paul last night, several times. My sleepiness required me to take a couple of naps just to make it back here. Going from Hamline to Winona should not take 4.5 hours. I even had to go back to candy again. How horrid.
The state fair was interesting though. I discovered that the damn animals were in a transition day so I w(hmmm, I just had to move out of my old classroom, damn kids, then my laptop did funny things, good times)as put into wandering mode. This led to lots of political discussions and random stranger meetings. The best was the guy that talked with me about acetylene headlamps and then later was on the opposite side during a political discussion. He won out as best over the guy who told us that 80% of unmarried mothers were addicted to cocaine because he looked like he was half-Amish. Had the hat and beard and clothes, but his wife was not.
The other fella was just ridiculous. And confused.
I also talked with a nice, young, politically involved man who talked about being involved in the impromptu protests in Chicago on the day that we started the Iraq War. Street sweepers moving in formation to push them off the streets must have been quite exciting. Barely evading arrest is always a blast as well.
There was also a great amount of good information available on alternative energies and other environmental issues. Me thinks the DNR folks were getting sick of talking with me.
Holly came around as well and was still as lovely as ever. I still own my title for greatest backrubbist in the world. (I wonder if I should capitalize that?)

Alright, gots to get the work done for my 11 AM class.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kinda miss that old state fair. You really should sleep more...it does work wonders. Sleep is my favorite activity now...that and walking in cemetaries and being in silence in the library. All of these activities are wonderful.

8:25 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Flippin' goth queen. Should that be capitalized?

2:19 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I spend plenty of time in cemetaries. Emily, you should check out the one in Roch where John-boy is buried. Lovely, huge place. I will find the name of it for you.
I get my fill of the Marion and Dover cemetaries, but I will let you know if I feel like taking you up on the offer Sarah.

7:23 AM


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