He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Were you aware...?

That it is possible to sleep for over an hour on the side of the road in Stockton without ever leaving your driverside seat? Or being questioned? Highway 14 in the boonies is great around 2 AM. I need a nap.

We wrote an in-class essay about the value of studying literature today. Do you think he was just looking for the fake-deep crap that professors always seem to be looking for? Honestly, how can people think some that stuff is profound. Not that I am, but those are just so obvious. "Literature allows us to know ourselves by looking through a different lense at our own existance." Or..."When we place ourselves in the perspective of the author, by thoroughly understanding their situation and context, we expand ourselves to find a more profound existance." Hehe. Or something close to those, those were the silliest I could come up with at the time. For myself, I decided to be jackass and ended my essay by saying, "Simply put, reading about a reading allows us to better read the reading." Or something of that sort. We got credit just for doing it, so I thought I would make the Prof. think I was a moron.
The life of an English major is silly and writing crap about crap is my only entertainment.

Anyone want to join Shane and I in deciding to abandon cable television (or satelite)? We are off the grid and like it. That isn't to say that there is no TV being watching. I watched Garden State and a couple Family Guy episodes earlier. Although, before that, the tube hadn't been on since early Monday. Soon we will wean ourselves off completely and get a new hobby. Animal mutilation perhaps? Or, professional animal rescuists, would that violate the lease?

Peace out.


Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

simple and obvious solution?
porn directors. . . .

the landlord would love all the shady characters roaming around your place

3:04 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Well, we already have Sarah, that should be pretty easy to put together after that. I wonder what Graham is up to? He is quite sexy.

6:03 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hmm...the only things I am missing about no cable would be the great minds of those behind the Daily Show. Oh, and tonight is the first night of the new season for the O.C., damn, I wonder if the evil brother dies.

6:19 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Nope, unless you consider a casual remark as to your sexual prowess to be an insult?

10:48 PM


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