He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Did the sunshine rain on your parade?

Well, my Grammar prof was right about those thunderstorms coming this afternoon. Probably what I get for mentioning an Indian Summer. So, rather than biking over to the Winona County Historical Society, I am sitting in the library filling myself up with all sorts of useless political knowledge as I forgot to bring any homework with me from the apartment.
I really don't even want to sit on my bike seat when the rain stops as I have learned that my seat is actually a sponge rather than an impervious surface for the rain. When i sit, an expansive area of wetness appears on my rear.
On to business...

When we are cleaning ourselves, we always think of hot water as being cleaner than cold water. Correct? I mean, we have the same philosophy in washing our hands as in taking a good hot bath. But why do we then consider hot tubs to have dirty water? If it is hot enough to have killed all those germs when it is coming out of your showerhead, wouldn't it have killed them when put in a place with even higher temperature and obscene amounts of chemicals?
So, which is it? Clean or not, I really don't care as I have no standards. But I worry about you folks that are going through life ever so confused.
Really, are you still scared of hot tubs? Is it the plant material? The possible semen? I would like to know.

Next note: my sniffles are expanding, I think I might have my first illness in the last few years. How exciting is this? I am pumped.



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