He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Politics Now

Oh yay. Shrub put up another nominee that nobody seems to know much about. Anyone else see this coming after the Dems gave Roberts a free pass? Well, what else could they do, look like obstructors again and lose the '06 elections because of it? Politics be a tricky game.
Speaking of which, I will explain the new money laundering charges against Tom DeLay.
A wants to give money to B, but it is not legal for A to do that. So A gives money to C who then gives that same amount of money to B. A being Tom DeLay's PAC (Political Action Committee; don't worry, it isn't that hard once you get used to it), B being specific candidates running for political positions in the state of Texas, C being the Republican national party, and the sum of money being $190,000 in donations from corporations. In Texas, corporations can not give money to candidates, however, the national party can.
The question is whether or not Earle can prove that DeLay was in on the deal to the point of being illegal. Sounds like that is going to be a tough sell. C'mon Ronnie, we know you can pull it off. I say this because, as far as I am concerned, this is more than a coinicident that exactly the same amount of funds went in one end and out the other of this particular middleman and nothing this big goes on in Texas without Tom DeLay having a say in it. That said, is having a say the same thing as orchestrating the deal?


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