He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What a strange situation...

The folks sitting three and four rows up from me and one seat to the left are both wearing t-shirts for softball teams that are both blue. They also both have the number 25 on them. One is male, one is female, and neither seems know the other or notice the shared number. Darn, I couldn't see what the girl's shirt said on the front.

Also, who here likes to answer pay phones when the are ringing and noone is around to answer them? I mention this because I was really pumped to answer one of those calls the other day, but the phone stopped ringing just as I got there.
That surely would have been the highlight of my day, but instead I had to settle for managing to keep my bicycle seat from getting wet by parking it under a tree with a particularly dense canopy.

This morning I managed to cut my ankle with a speaker from my PC. Impressive aye? The round edge swung with such force after I tripped on the cord that it was capable of such things. Plus, I got wrapped up in the cords. Perhaps getting up at 5:15 and stumbling around the apartment in the dark isn't the best thing to do.

Que sera, sera.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you seem a bit...sedated today. I know you hate me quoting everything, but your talk of the boy and girl in the same shirt reminded me of some old Dickens.."A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that each human is that profound secret and mystery to every other". If you've never read it, the passage in the beginning of chapter 3, book one of A Tale of Two Cities is the most beautiful thing I've read of his.

by the way, don't worry about my last post. it was directed at something else i care not to go into. i am curious to see what you think of the tiger poem though.

9:23 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I will get to it, I have been running around too much and been a bit too sick to get to most things. I didn't care about your post, more rejection of me in the comments (how hurtful). I read ToTC many years ago and should read it again now that I a can better appreciate good literture. I swear, I was more well-read as a child than I am now.
As for my sedation, I don't know if I am any more sedated, I might have used less powerful verbs. That, or the obscene amount of sleep I have gotten lately is mellowing me.

12:05 PM


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