He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Post-Christmas Chillin'

Well, I haven't done anything since the celebrations of the weekend. My truck hasn't been starting for the last couple days so I haven't really been able to drive anywhere, but I have gotten a good bit of reading done.
Louis L'Amour was the first novelist to ever be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Good for him. I need a time machine so that I may head for the mountains as they were in the early 19th century. That would be dandy.

Amber Tamblyn (That girl from"Joan of Arcadia." I never watched the show and it was probably sappy crap, but she is a poet in addition to being an actress and she seems to have things pretty well sorted out for herself.):
Q - What do you think is the most difficult thing that young girls face?
A - Social anxieties and image in general. I've been really fascinated recently by watching the shows on MTV, like "Sweet 16" and "Laguna Beach." I'm fascinated by this whole new generation of cultureless and deprived white kids in suburbia, and I feel like they have no connection to the outside world, and we're totally glorifying this image. We're glorifying that all white kids are dumb and cultureless."

Granted, I think she is a little too sympathetic for my taste, but I really do wonder if this really is conscious ignorance or these bastards just have never had the opportunity to experience anything. Shit, I think they might just be lazy, standardless peons.
Also, I was flipping throught the channels and saw one of the girls from "Laguna Beach" being punked. Ha.

"To live in a city, one must be larger than one's environment or enjoy belonging to the crowd. Out here a person can become a part of it all. He can walk the heights with the eagles and the cloud, but it needs a special kind of person."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ick. My suite mates watch "Laguna" religiously. I don't understand the appeal. I've never seen "Sweet 16", and while I do think these shows are pointless and idiotic, I will not deny that I do watch American Idol, The Apprentince, and, yes, Making the Band. Not religiously, but still quite a bit. Frankly, I'm sick of people whinning about how reality TV is destroying the world. All TV destroys the world. I say if you don't like, turn it of damnit.

Perhaps we are glorifying the image of idiots from suburbia. But, um, we can still think for ourselves. Pointing to TV shows and saying "oh that sucks because its reality TV and reality TV sucks" is about as useful as pointing to one rapper and freaking out because his lyrics are sexist. Um...no shit. Nobody ever points to the 50 or so half naked girls to work on their self-esteem. (I'm drawing this example from Morgan's piece called "From Fly-Girls to Bitches to Hos". She is an African American feminist who also love rap) But I mean, to point at shows as the biggest problem is to only alow it to continue. The real problem here is that America's kids are bored. They don't sit reading Louie L'Amore or Robert Frost. They aren't bad kids either. My suite mates, for all their drunken mishaps, are good girls. They are just bored. America is bored. America should follow my mom's example and make some fucking jewlery.

9:22 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I was focusing more on the fact that these people in the shows really are cultureless, not on their influence on kids today.
Is it intentional ignorance or do the kids just not give enough of a shit to learn?

And I do like your mother's jewelry.

12:01 PM


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