He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Some things in life are bad

Like Johnny Cash being dead. However, things are looking up since we all have the chance to go check out the new biopic Walk the Line, and that should be a dandy. Who is going? I think I'll give it a go next friday on opening night. Yeah, I am that nerdy.
In other Johnny Cash news I watched a lovely show that was made way back when during one of Johnny's first shows at San Quentin prison. It intercut snippets from the prisoners, some heartbreakingly sad, some simply interesting, with songs from the shows. It is nice that they let the female backup singers into the prison.

In other film news there is a new Pride and Prejudice coming out. This one apparently does Austen proud. I don't actually know that, but it is supposed to be pretty good. Part of that is an increased realism, how nice. Keira Knightley and Donald Sutherland are two notables in this version.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're resorting to movie commercials in your blog. Who are you? Grandpa?

Anyway, way to miss the most anticipated movie of the three...Harry Potter! Don't tell me you've managed to stay free of that craze.

Although I am excited about the Johnny Cash movie. I loved the man. But Pride and Prejudice, I am convinced, should remain in book form. Although I think Bridget Jones' Diary has to be a modern version of it. Her love intrest's name is even Mr.Darcy. Meh, I was never much of an Austen fan myself. Dickens was always my main man.

9:51 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yes, because I have nothing interesting to say, or at least nothing I feel like bothering to type out.
Oh, Harry Potter is crap. At least the movies. So, yes, I have managed to stay free.

8:00 AM


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