He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Haughtily Symbiotic

Yeah, I am dependent on Shane, and one of us is definitely condescending about it. Making fun of me for not having the fridge fully closed or for leaving the light in my room on for a few extra minutes. That kid is going down.

Dream one:
I was on a fanciful version of campus that doesn't appear to exist in even the slightest of associations. The only part of the inside of a building that I can recall was like the inside of a flight control tower (or at least my imagined version).
A few select "English profs" (Mrs. Dunn, among others) berated me for being a worthless scholar and told me that I should quit the major. They seemed genuinely angry with me for something, but I can not recall what.
There happend to be a few other "profs" (Betty Bermel) who told me that I was a great guy and an excellent student. They apparently got my jokes and didn't mind my disdain for school or my lack of seriousness.
If any other portions of this dream come back to me, I will let you know. I really should have written this down closer to the time I actually had the dream.

Dream two will have to follow tomorrow or later today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean that's all your dream about? You know you've hit a dry spell when even your dreams are boring. By the by, how was the Johnny Cash movie?

10:34 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, I realized it was boring, that is why I put the disclaimer on timeliness in there. Also, you can't fully comprehend the dream since you have no prior knowledge of the people mentioned in the dream since neither of them are actually my profs. They all have some sort of special meaning, I guess that post was strictly for the Eyotans.

8:44 AM


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