He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

They can really make you mad

No they can't. What a liar. You make you mad and I won't have you making excuses for such things. Demand accountability. Or not. Whatever, at least demand sound agricultural techniques. What?

I think I may have found a sinister means of getting away with not paying for the broken case on my laptop. It will require me to break the case in another area, but I am willing to do that. I will wait for a while before I do that. That is, wait until I have the money to pay for the case if my efforts fail.

Yesterday afternoon I continued my practice of attending seemingly random presentations by profs and other folks. The most recent was a presentation titled "How To Watch Dance" and was led by the quintessential dancer prof. Black flowing fabric on top of black stretch pants and limish green sweater. No shoes of course. And she flowed about the stage with limbs of rubber.
Oh, I want to say more, but it is time for class. Maybe I will update this when I get to work this afternoon.



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