He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

"Always look on the bright side of life"

This officially brings a selfish little project to its end. I have been titling my posts with nothing but lyrics from the particular Monty Python song that is listed as the title of this post. The project was primarily started so that I could be amused by reading the lyrics in order on in the archives section. I thought the lines might inspire me to write something interesting; that didn't happen, but I am not too upset about it. Honestly, it is not like I had anything better to be doing.

I arrived at school at 8 this morning. It is now 3 PM and I realized during my 11 AM course that I had left my lights on. Shane and I will have to go get some jumper cables and take care of that at some point this evening. I should be done doing school work on campus at 9 oder 10. What a splendid day.

My registration window opens up on Friday morning. I have to take 18 credits a semester for the next couple, take two summer courses, and take 15 credits during a semester when most majors with the 12 credits of required courses are usually overworked if I want to get out of this place after Fall '07. Shit yeah. Either I am going to have no life for awhile, or I am going to have to stay for another extra semester. My great disdain for this education precludes me from wanting that. So, instead, I will destroy myself.
This should be fun for you folks to watch.

I have a couple of dreams that I should type about on here, but I have a meeting with a prof.

Oh, looking on the bright side: I got my two pieces of pizza from the Smaug for free today (I have never eaten here before), but only because my ATM wouldn't give me any money and I had already gotten the food dished up. The young lady simply instructed me to walk away. It feels great to be such a badass. Hehe.



Blogger Scotteth too hotteth said...

i entirely felt your post titles were going somewhere, what with the rhyming. seeing as i am not a man of monty python experience, i couldn't make any connection. but just so you know, someone noticed something. now comment on my strange existence you selfish bastard.

2:15 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I didn't know if many would notice. Emily made a mention of it, but I didn't know if she just recognized the one line or the whole thing. She will at least lie and say that she did.

As for your existence. You should leave the apartment sometime, and then you existence would probably be a whole lot more strange. I will make a trip over and comment just the same.

3:47 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Oooh, something good on your site. I love writings about Jeff Hobbs, everyone should check that out.

3:48 PM


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