He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Other things just make you swear and curse

Fuck. Shit. Whore. Ass. Damn.
Hmm...so they do.
I done broked somethin' on my 'puter. Some little grid of metal (maybe just hard plastice) on the shell of my laptop began to bulge out the other day. I was convinced that I could protect the thing and not hit it anymore as I believe that the bulging was caused by dropping my backpack or bangin this beast on something or other. However, I was foiled again. I dropped the backpack at the end of a class and when next check a few little pieces of the speaker protecting grid had popped off. This is sure to cost me a pretty penny (and I have so few of those left). For now I think it will be ignored for a year or so since I can't afford to be bothered by paying for it and I am going to have damn thing for another year and a half anyway.
Perhaps I will go in and find out just how much this is going to cost me, but the more likely senario is that I won't and that I will hope to sneak the damage by the folks taking them back in the future. I will get caught and will curse some more. Damn.

I also forgot to tell the story of me locking my keys in the truck at the state park on Monday. Anyway, I did it, I got to spend more time on the trails with Dan, I had to run a bunch, and I now have one less roadside visit to use up from the good folks at AAA.
It did take them a good fifteen minutes to locate me though. Apparently Great River Bluffs has no real address or some such thing.



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