He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Classes classes classes

I gots me a whole lot o' dem. Plus a bunch of other required volunteer hours that I must do for my Education program.

The list:
English 220 - American Multicultural Literature - This would be a class about writers from other cultures who spent some time in America. This is a Gen Ed. for some folks, so it is filled with non-majors and with be a joy I am sure.
English 305 - Modernism and Postmodernism - Essentially Modernism (Virginia Woolf and all that) with a little of Postmodernism (if that exists). I hope we spend a week on e e cummings. Should actually be a fairly tough course.
Comm. Studies 371 - Small Group Discussion - Lots of talking with our wacky prof. Good lady, I just enjoy watching her talk as she puts herself into some odd positions for emphasis. Also, she was nice enough to create her own packet for a textbook, $15 bucks rather than $65. I might just enjoy this.
Education 305 - Human Development and Learning (for Secondary Education) - Umm...yeah. Don't really know. I haven't done any of the readings yet. Hehe. It also includes five hours a week of in school work as a teacher's assistant. I will probably get shipped up the road to Lewiston-Altura High School where I will have to do a good bit of work including leading classes. Neat stuff, but I have no time for these darn kids.
Education 308- Human Relations & Student Diversity - Learning about cultural differences between me and all the poor, minority children. C'mon, I already know everything, I lived in St. Paul for a year. Hehe. Also includes a one or two day a week session where I will be tutoring a child at a local middle school. This was just one of the volunteer options, but it seems to be the neatest.
Education 312 - Instructional Planning & Assessment: Secondary - I must learn how to create a curriculum. Also, I should learn about the unfunded mandates of No Child Left Behind. That is sure to turn into a gripe session. It should be awesome.

All in all, whatever, it's school. The only person I posted that stuff for was Emily; I am sure she will find it most interesting.

I still find it hilarious that I was so irresponsible that I did not even know when my classes actually started this semester. I would have shown up half a week late if not for Brooke (or maybe Noah since it was his baptismal party where I learn that information).

Umm...I fight on Saturday in Rochester. Maybe I will actually start writing about my fighting on here, doubtful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What works are you reading in the multicultural lit class?

10:45 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Chaim Potok: The Chosen
Kent Nerburn: NEither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder
A bunch of things from our an anthology. Right now we have only read some Toni Morrison and some Native American authors.

9:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome. I like Toni Morrison. I think I read The Bluest Eye when I was 11 or 12 though and then proceeded to reccomend it to Whitney. Wonder what she thought of THAT one...hehe.

Is Leslie Marmon Silko one of those Native American authors? Ceremony is an old favorite of mine...

7:34 PM


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