He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Dandy Times

I don't know if I ever mentioned my great love for a particular OK Go video on here. Anyway, it still exists and I though I should share.
Video here (it is the "A Million Ways" one).

I just almost drooled. It was awesome.

Remember that time when you got drilled in the head with a kickball? That was awesome.

Sorry, I just thought that getting hit in the head with a kickball was something that happens to everyone at least once, so it is safe to put it in there. I heart the comedy of Chris Farley (granted, he probably didn't write that set of jokes, but he did perform it to perfection).

I have noticed that my appreciation of and addiction to all things plant related is starting to mess with my academics. Previously, this crap was just a hobby and something that I might occasionally mention during a "get to know you" session in class, but now it has gotten into the way that look at literature.
While reading Mrs. Dalloway I have found myself paying special attention to all of the little details where flowers are described, applied to characters, and generally appreciated by characters to the degree that the rest of the novel is being neglected. This could spell trouble (what an odd colloquialism). I should probably get this under control, but I don't know how to do that in the winter.
You see, winter doesn't have much for growing things so I am forced to sink into my gardening books and catalogs. I supplement that with wandering the woods, checking the snow covered gardens to make sure they are properly insulated, and reading excessive numbers of Frost poems. Heck, most all of the poems I seem to be really concentrating on in my free-time reading seem to be nature based. Damn this season.
This should be a trouble that begins to fade when the cold starts to leave, so hopefully we don't have snow on May 1st this year or I will be writing some essays that will be oddle received for finals.

Other news: Kylie is set to become the youngest crownbearer in memory for this Monday's D-E Snoball Coronation. Plus, she is walking with Mikey Nelson, the coolest little kid I know.

Bonus Video:
Conan and the greatest Walker: Texas Ranger clip ever. This is an old video, but I felt like watching it again today, and I am in a sharing mood.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winter does, for the most part, suck. However, I was walking in from my Spanish class just now and experienced the most wonderful light little fluries. For the past week or so it has been uncharacteristically warm. The only thing I hate more than a dull, unchanging winter is the appearence of spring in the midst of one. Damn false hopes. I have no idea what that has to do with your post, but there you have it.

10:44 AM


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