He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

All the Standard Activities

Last night, with my last night of winter break, the only logical thing left to do was to go camping. It was a grand ol' time. We had a good set-up on the slope of a hill in the pasture. No cow patties around and a nice flat shelf to lay camp. A couple of us had been out a couple of days before to take care of the fire.
No need for tents or any of those things. Fine to have a sleeping bag and a ground mat.
There was a lovely full moon and a total lack of clouds. These factors combined to create a very well lit environment. The four campers, Dan, Seth B., Seth W., and me, were able to wander through the pasture and woods until the time that we were weary.
I can't say that I had ever wandered out to the sand cliff during the night time. It probably wasn't the best plan in the world to try and climb out from the valley floor with a gun in one hand (at least it was unloaded while I was climbing). Luckily, Dan only wound up with one small wound on his forehead. Hardly any blood either.
The night passed smoothly enough. Apparently Seth B. was feeding the fire throughout the night. Such a responsible young lad. I was able to sleep through the night with only one wake up. I think that was based more in my bladder than any cold feelings. Would have prefered my 0 degree sleeping bag rather than my 30 degree one, but a few extra layers of clothes took care of that.
All in all, a quite successful trip. Dandy stuff if you don't mind the weather.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't they just make a movie about you guys.

6:54 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

It is still in pre-production.

10:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Logan does look like Heath Ledger...

12:07 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I think Dan could be played by a badger. Or maybe just a fat ten-year-old.

For Seth B., I choose Randy Quaid.

For Seth W., let's go with Ving Rames.

12:08 AM


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