He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Another day, another punch in the eye. I had another fight last night. It ended about one round earlier than my coach and I had planned (and two rounds before the promoter expected in to, "three round war," ha). My opponent ended up tapping out due to strikes. I don't think he had experience taking too many punches.
Now, a quick recap for Ron and any other interested parties:
Off the start my opponent came with a leg kid, and I made the mistake of slightly dropping my hands, so I took a solid shot to the eye. This is my usual stategy as I need a punch in the face to remember that I am in a fight. Even my opponent's friends claimed that "your (my) eyes changed" after that.
Directly following the shots that hit my face, my opponent threw a strong right that I slipped by and went into a bodylock. I took him down, but was unsuccessful in passing his guard. Eventually he was coming off the ground when I faked a kick and brought down an elbow that knocked him back into the fence. From there, I worked into another bodylock. This time I took him away from the fence and lifted him to turn him to on a side so that I could avoid his guard.
I started out in half-guard with my other knee near his stomach, so I moved into a full mount.
I worked to create space but couldn't get the separation needed for elbows, but I eventually got him loosened and out at punching distance. After that, it would have been stopped pretty quickly if my opponent didn't decide to tap out.

I may have actually gotten the order of events a little wrong as I haven't seen a tape of the fight yet, so I will change it if I was wrong. I will let you know if I do that.

In other news, I don't really have to worry about money as my newest bit should last me through the start of summer work. That's nice.

Oh, the DVD should be out in time to take it down to Easter. It is certain to horrify the family.

I have been neglecting my studies as of late. I have a presentation on Tuesday, ten-page paper that needs to be started and finished by Friday, and I think there is a second presentation that I am forgetting about. I have a bunch of other little assignments to catch up on as well. For shame. I don't think the Dean's list is on the horizon this semester.

That is enough for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Logan kicks much ass!!

5:41 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

That is a lie. I only do such things on occasion.

8:04 PM


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