He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Wolves In Wolves' Clothing

New album today. NOFX, my title is its title. This is an accomplishment for me as I can only rarely let my money flow. I think this is the first album I have purchased since getting Mike Doughty double and the Raveonettes quite a while back. I probably got it because I was able to listen to a lot of it before it and rather enjoyed it.
It is still good, but I will check back in after the second and fifteenth listenings.

Today I was rather active. 9.5 at Think. 2 at Marilyn's. Digging for a while in Tyrel's yard (we are on the way to having a new perennial bed there). 6 mile run with Max (my half dog). Now I am extra cool because I am choosing to listen to this music rather than watch a brand new Mtv challengy thinger. Oh, and I planted some beans and sweet corn this evening.

It seems I am too tired to type anything creative.

Oh, my planned opponent for my June 7th either dropped out or isn't being allowed to fight me. Whichever, I have a different (probably not as tough) opponent now. I can deal with that. I think I'll stick with my ground and pound plan as usual. I have a great wrestling advantage over this guy and will go ahead and use it. Plus, I tend to get hit in the head less and with less force when we are on the ground.

Time to eat a banana and drink some more water.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am well-rested

And it is grand. Well, I lie. I am trying to pretend that sleeping the last couple of nights is better than having gone out and done something fun, but I know that I would rather have been camping or hiking or vacationing to the moon. Luckily, it was raining, and none of those things were on the agenda.
Whenever the blogger url is gone from my recent history list, I know that it is probably time to post something on here. I have mada a resolution to not blog from work, so I don't know how often I will find the time for this.

My gardening season is off to a less than stellar start. My peas, tulips, and croci were all terrorized by the local rabbit population, so each had or will have a sub-optimal performance this spring.
I did have one interesting occasion to take down one of my enemies the other day. I was weeding the back of the border bed when I noticed a light-brown, furry lump six inches from my hand. It was baby version of one of my foliage foragers. All of six inches, he was. He was...
But I couldn't kill him. Just couldn't do it. Partially from my own innate compassion and partially because I saw one of his family members four feet away with its face eaten off (hey, maybe this little turd was a cannibal). For whatever reason, I couldn't take him out, and I didn't feel like taking him to the country, so I put him in a neighbor's yard across a street and few yards from Iris's place.

I haven't been paying attention to politics to my normal degree, but I am still a hell of a lot more informed than the average American. Isn't that sad?

The new Red Hot Chili Peppers album is good stuff. I would even buy it if I could afford anything more than gas money.

I am watching a Jennifer Lopez movie right now. Yeah, I know.
My day has consisted of going back to sleep many times, mothe complaining about a running toilet, a long bath (and a Whitman biography), a staggered breakfast, and this movie. I should probably learn the title of it, but I won't. I think I will go to the grandmother's today. There are some rasberries to be planted as well as a number of bulbs.
It is time to plant sweet corn. I know this because the oak leaves are as big or bigger than a squirrel's ear.
My lettuce is coming up, and the radishes and carrots have been placed.

Maybe instead of doing anything, I will just listen to Allison Krauss and do nothing. That might be more productive for my mental state. Who am I kidding? Brooding and lazing about is never more productive than breathing clean (relatively) air and using hand tools.
