He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Change of Schedule

So obviously I am not in Montana. I was forced to change my plans by the inability of people to plan ahead and the fears of others. I spent the weekend down in Winona and now I think I'll take off for Northern Wisconsin. Once there, I will choose between the U.P. of Michigan and the North Shore. I will be hiking, and I will be by myself, so it should be fun.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Attention: I Am A Farmer

I now own two sheep and have actually moved them to an area where they are my responsibility. This makes me a farmer. A hobby farmer, but a farmer just the same.
'Fitti is an adorably tiny runt, and Nitro is a classic Suffolk with a bad leg that has a chance of recovering.

I have been very busy working all day every day, going to graduation parties, gardening, and apparently farming.
