He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Triumphant Return

Yeah. I have not posted in a month. I am aware of that. It seems like a good time to start this back up, so I am going to try and post here fairly often. I assume that it will take a while for people to come back this way, but I think I can get by in on the voices in my head for now.

In my last post, I said that I was going on vacation. I went.
I spent a week wandering around up north. I camped out when I felt like it, stayed with friends, and passed out in my truck once too. It was a rather fun time. Aloneness is a good thing.
The best time was in Ely where I did karaoke and drank with the locals. Del was the man. I should learn how to load pictures just so I could show you the spectacularity of this man. He was half Elvis and half Johnny Cash and 100% super.

After the vacation, I spent a few weeks training like crazy for a fight. I beat a guy named BJ Lacy who was apparently 16-2 before that fight. It was a good time. I pounded on him for a while, but he wouldn't give up.

I just finished up a two week Shakespeare course. We have been reading a play a day, but I haven't read any of them. I've seen plenty of movies though. I should get a C, my first ever, but that seems just fine to me. I am pretty sure that one three credit class isn't going to be enough to knock my GPA into the basement.

The Olmsted County Fair gets going next week. I'll be taking some flowers and visiting the place most nights.

I'll be back with an update on fighting and gardening in a bit.
