He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Recent Developments

Well, right after deciding to drop that title fight, I got an offer from the UFC to fight for them. I signed a three fight deal. Check the 11-14-06 Post Bulletin for details. Or I will post it here when I have time.

Mostly, I just have no time. It is all training and schooling. I'll find the time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrads on the fight deal. I have seen you fight 3 times. I am a friend of a few of team crazy members, I live in Lake City myself.Give it your all, you will do great.Keep us posted on how we might be able to see you on the UFC

6:10 PM


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