He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Training Is Dandy

I am nearing the end of another weekend. Yet again, I have done none of my homework, and I still haven't caught up on my readings that I didn't get done last week. The question of when I will get all my upcoming papers written still has to be answered, but I'll stick with my plan of not having a plan.
This weekend is being spent, like the last one, tooling around Minneapolis. I have been staying at brother Doron's house and spending my mornings and early afternoons at the Minnesota Martial Arts Academy. I have some excellent training partners there and having been learning quite a bit. The technique work is fabulous, and the conditioning work we do there is working as well. At least, I am sore but not too sore, and I have managed to not get seriously injured.
I've got three weeks until my fight, so I'll probably come up here for a couple of days next weekend and the weekend after that. Fun times.

So far, for Monday, I need to go back and finish last Monday's reading for Rushdie and get the last 2.5 class sessions worth of Comparitive Lit reading done. Hehe. I wonder how much of that I'll actually manage to get done with? Little enough.

It is sad that I am busy enough to be behind in school, but not busy enough to have done anything cool. Went to a bar with my hosts last night. Grumpy's was good/entertaining. Clarks know how to get into odd conversations. I also get owned at Scrabble last night. Damn you, Molly.

Doron and Molly are watching Thank You For Smoking right now. I watched it the other day and enjoyed it, but I don't know that I really want to watch it for a second time right away. I should find something to do with my evening.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The plan of not having a plan is a good one I've decided. Too many people freak out and cause unwanted stress to themselves, let alone annoyances to other people. I just don't worry about it anymore and end up doing a whole semester's worth of work on Thanksgiving break.

...any kind of training is dandy...

9:04 PM


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