He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Greatest Television Series Ever

"To Catch A Predator" on Dateline is the greatest, sickest, most amazing thing/show ever.

I hate it.

I love it.

It disturbs me.

It perturbs me.

It blows my mind.

I can't watch.

I have to.


I gotta change the challenge.

Anal sex talk.



Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Newest Fight Excitement

I spent all day running around taking care of medicals, paperwork, and an interview. I had an MRI and an eye exam this morning. It appears that I passed both. I didn't manage to get a workout in until 3ish. Then I had a nice long jog out on the streets during rush-hour traffic. I rather enjoyed it...especially when I was moving faster than the traffic.

I found out today that my opponent used to be a security guard at the Hard Rock Hotel. That is where I will be fighting and where he will still have fans. Funny stuff. I managed to set myself up like that twice.

I was at 194.5 after an evening workout, so I drank some good stuff.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Glorious Rage

Well, I just lost a nice, long post. That means you will never know what is going on with me. All two of you. Sorry.

I have to get to the gym.
