He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."

Well, glad I got that political shit out of me. All better now.
Last weekend I was hanging out in my new forest hangout area. Until I realized that it was opening deer weekend and I could actually see four hunters on the other Beaver Islands around me. Got the fuck outa there. Nah, actually I just checked to make sure there weren't any stands around me and then watched the other hunters. And these were some crappy hunters, mofos didn't even see me for the longest time despite my sitting on a log out in the water.
I noted that my last post didn't illicit anything for response. I don't know what the deal is. On other forums (aka Biology Discussion site) I have managed to be told that I have anger issues and that I am the bitch of some kid I don't even know. God, I feel neato that I could piss someone off enough to say something that makes a kid be that stupid. And there is some girl who affirms whatever he says too, she has gotta be one dumb young lady. I told the kid that if he wanted me to be his biatch he needs to slap me around. That would be amazing if a Bio. forum led to that kid getting beat up. I would feel like such an ass if I did do something like that.
Oh, I quit wrestling since I will most likely be leaving this school. I figured picture day was a good one to take off on. My new free time is quite exciting. Maybe I will actually do a little more homework. So far it has just caused me to eat more. And stay up a lot. Like now, I would probably be in bed, especially on this night since I would have a 6 am workout.
As a result of my going to the woods I have now started feeding the local squirrels and ducks corn that I got from a field on my hikes. I feel odd doing it, but I don't think the squirrels should live on trash alone.
I wish I had some words of wisdom, but yeah, I done turned dumb.
So yeah, think about this: Why do rhetorical questions exist?


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hey, tell your parents to mind their own damn business. I can dress as a woman for all I care and the people of eyota can't same a damn thing. Racist, homophobic shits. Anyway, I was locked out of my house. Did they not notice that I was wearing a jacket and jeff's vest.
Rhetorical questions don't encourage discussion. I encourage discussion. I love that Happy Gilmore line.
I was wearing a big red sweatshirt, so unless the hunters thought I was one giant turkey gobble I should've been ok. Plus I am a woods ninja, no one can see me or shoot me if I don't want them to.

10:03 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Um, yeah, work is overrated. I am supposed to work Sat too, but that shit is taken care of. I am worried though as, late Saturday, I broke off my windshield wiper rod. Now I have to get that fixed. So as usual I can not afford the activities that I will most likely participate in.

8:36 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Do you think you are better than us non-Hamliners?

Don't answer that, the joke would be that the previous question was intended to be rhetorical. And if you answer a rhetorical it ceases to be so, as the definition of a word or phrase or person is not made my the sender of any message, but by those who receive it.
So, even if you do answer the question, and it is no longer rhetorical, then you have not foiled me.

9:59 PM


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