He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Stumble...

It may be that I lack any skill with these puter things or it might be that I refuse to work to get this done, but it is taking my a while to gain the ability to post pictures on this thing. My program tells me that it sent pictures here, but I never seem to find them. And I have found some very exciting pieces that I would like to post. They is darn good. I don't know if I have any idea what they are supposed to mean, but I like to draw my own conclusions about them. Mendelsohn is quite good, check his work out some time if you get the chance. I see it as a bit like Dali only with even more nudity. Same morphing though. Anyway, good stuff, I will try and figure this thing out for you folks.
Please Note: the pieces that inspired this post are ones that I put on my computer a while back and can't seem to find ever again. So they are just there, without titles, mysterious. Probably should figure out where they came from, so I can get more.
Ah, after further searching, I realized that I am giving credit to one man for the work of several. I will try and figure this out a little later. And then maybe post some of the photos so you folks can have some sort of idea what I am talking about here. Wouldn't that be nice?



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