He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Can you feel the cold tonight....

I am not alone and I feel fine. Dan had a dispute with me tonight, we have not resolved it yet. Too many people showed up, we did not have time to discuss such things. We will get to it. This would be night four of four nights of the weekend. Much too much for the Logan. I will fall to the ground at some point and it will be grand.

Hobbs here - Guest blogging tonight. I is shouting out to all my babies!! So the last night in the Yodaville, good week. We was around for the grandest holdiay of intoxication, St. Patrick's Day my hunnies!! But we will all arive again for the rising of our Jesus, which will be celebrated with more booze and such. Jesus, Jesus, you are quite the man, we should chill some day homes. But I am not filled with as much wisdom and controversy as Logan is. I apologize for my severe lameness. But what I do is send out supreme love to all peoples, especially if you reside in the king of provinces, Eyota babies!!


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Jeffrey, I would say that you might cause a bit of controversy with your booze for Easter ideas. But I think the church and Jesus himself, with all his wine creation, beat you to the punch. We will find something that you will be dominantly controversial in. But remember to follow his other teachings as well. No need to go about this thing half-ass.
Go help the poor and protect the weak you beast. I had best see you defending some young lad or lady the next time I am in Mankato. Perhaps it will be me.
By the way, I have still disowned you for you salliness. Money? Psha.

4:39 PM


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