He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Why do we do so much to impress people we don't like?

I read a quote that went along with that this morning and so I spent my school day attempting to study this. Most folks do this quite often and all of us do it at some points, but I just wanted to see how prevalent it is. The case could be made that my study group, the RCTC student body and some high schoolers, isn't exactly the most mature group and therefore not representative of the rest of us folks. But, you folks know you do it, so you can go fuck yourselves.
Admit it, there are times when you take pleasure in someone liking you (as a friend or romantically) when you do not enjoy them as a person. You like that they like you while you do not like them, because that means you must be a better person for someone to like you and not see that you dislike them. So, you might even put in some effort to keep this person liking you. We will do this through physical (cars, clothes, partners) things and through social conduct. We also do this in workplaces, although, this is often for monetary or positional gain. But people do this even when they do not receive any sort of visible gain.
An example: two of my group members in math class spent the entire class period discussing the situation between them, some other friends, and the actions of some guy in Michigan that they called their friend. The female, Jenny (I think), begins the day by being imfatuated with this fella, then the male, Miles, informs her of some of his actions when away from his girlfriend and most of their other mutual friends. She then hates him with vigor (she was shaking, it was weird) and wants to confront him over the phone (not sure if that is possible) but Miles protests.
Why? Because he doesn't want this guy, who he has admitted is a chronic liar and a douche, to hate him. Why? Who knows. Because humans have some inner drive to be able to associate with as many people as possible? Perhaps. I don't know yet or at least I don't feel like typing out everything on this that I think I know as it would take up too much space.
So, do you do this, and why do you think others do this?

Extra question: Do you primarily wonder while you wander or wander while you wonder? This has a little more depth than first appears, or at least I have created some in my mind.



Blogger Unknown said...

People may also do it in anticipation of some future political run - but if they do that, they are weenies.

Some find that she/he is empowered by having friends and can only excel by feeding off the acceptance others have for she/he. Call it co-dependency or community, it works for some people.

On to the real question (that reason that I am up at 2:12 Saturday morning), does Grandpa Clark have any decent cars remaining in his grove? Corey Ryks has a dream up fixing up an old heap of a car and driving at high speeds. I think we might drive down on the twentieth for a tour.

12:22 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Depends on what you call decent. All the cars with entirely intact panels have been sold off. There are still some left if this Cory is capable of body work. I can not tell for sure if there are any up to his standards. No matter what, whatever he would take, it would take a good deal of work.

12:45 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

If that is what he is looking for then, good, cause that is what he will get.

12:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess some people figure....the world is fake...so instead of stressing over some self-righteous idea of social responsibility, or even "ends justify the means" mentality, they just play with the fake fronts. I mean, they realize that things are fake, but most things are fake, so the just have fun and make the false fronts a game...I recommend Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.
~Em D.

8:12 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Ah, I knew this sort of talk would bring you out eventually cuz...I recommend you expect more out of people. It is quite a joy to live in a world of constant disapointment.

3:16 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I choose to live in a world where people are basically good. Is it naive and/or BS? At times. But I'd rather be burned 10 times just to be able to have that 1 experience that makes it worthwhile. Plus, I bet I learn to recognize those 10 bad times faster and faster and eventually learn how to read the scam artist.

On cars, do you know any makes and models that are out there? Maybe I should call Grandma.

8:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The world is a fake place. People are fake. There are too many people pleasers. Because you know once you leave a room there will always be someone talking shit right behind you. Logan is the most real person there is. You can tell this because Megan will always call you a pompous jackass while you are stil in the room, not waiting until you leave. It is a dissapointment that all people can't live this way. - Hobbs

9:30 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I am keepin' it real...real dumb.
Actually, I was thinking, if you can more easily recognize the scam artists, then you really won't be getting burned anymore. This must be the level that I have attained, sweet. Actually, I think I have gotten to the point where people are inately out to get whatever they can for themselves. It is up to society to inform us that what is best for us or gives us the most things is not always the best for the rest of the world. If I ever get my "20 Year Essay" done, I will explain that more.

I can not comment on the Hobb's comment as I am still disgusted with his desire for money over experience. Well, one comment, wouldn't that make Megan the real one? Anyway, I have disowned you as homie for the lies you spread Hobbs.

As for cars there are a couple Impalas that are quite close in years, a couple Bel-Air that aren't as close, a Chevelle, a couple Montereys, and a few other even older ones. None are in that good of condition, I would give Grandmother a call who can communicate with Grandfather for you. He could tell you, in his expert opinion, if any of them would be worthwile to fix up.

7:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't expect much out of people because then it's a nicer suprise when they prove me wrong. I'll have to disagree that Logan is the most real person there is...no one is real...at any rate, Logan is an enigmatic gent. Fake is fine, as long as you keep the center of yourself in check. As long as you are smart enough to play the game and not believe everything you here...this fake world is fun. Play the games...and they won't play you. ;)
~Em D.

6:46 PM

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