He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Where did it go?

First robin of spring.

And I really really enjoy spending my afternoons with an axe and some trees. I don't know why though.

There was some reason that this post was started, but it escapes me now. By the way, I was reading back over some of the post that I put down back at the beginning of my posting and they were so much more interesting than what I talk about now. So...all of you newcomers should check that shit out. Back when I used to be interesting.

I really shouldn't listen to NIN late at night, it makes me forget the things that I came on here to type.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took your advice to go find when you were more interesting, and came across a shout-out from January to me I never noticed..
"By the way Emily, I will continue to annoy and assault those bunnies until my quest is completed. I shall not lose a pine to those fiends again. Well, they won't ever take a whole group away from me again. I thought about using the live traps against them, but I did not want to subject anyone else to my plight. I might even learn how to make bunny soup sometime too. Also I can't comment on your veggie-eatin, angst-havin, gossip-passin, teenaged excuse of a journal after you felt the need to single me out for commenting upon it as if I were some sort of freak. Please note: I am trying to be spiteful like the people you mention time to time." Well, I suppose I'll comment on this now...I am no longer a vegitarian. the angst is still there, and yes I gossip...it relieves tension, you should try it sometime ;) heh, you can comment on my crap anytime, I single everyone out at one point or another...if you're reading it, you should comment. Alright, I'm done, i'm going to go occupy myself with a book or something
~Em D.

9:19 AM


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