He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, September 12, 2005

the black-coffee bowl of your eye

Took the first bath in the apartment tub this evening. Not too shabby, but too shallow. I will have to caulk the over-fill drain. Gots to get the level up.

Funny story from last week. I have classes at 8, 9, 10, and11 on MWF. Last friday, when I was about back to Eyota, I realized that I was supposed to be in my Language Study class. I simply walked out the building after my class at ten. It seems that I am so absentminded that having the class at ten be my last class on thursday was enough for me to forget to go to the next class on friday. Heck, I did the reading for the class and saw the prof earlier in the day. Wild stuff.
Does anyone want to become my personal assistant. I am a handicapped gentleman and such measures are necessary. It doesn't pay much yet, but, with the assistance of someone that can keep me on task and take care of my paperwork, I could do great things. Think about it, I have the mind to do things, but not the order or the ambition. This is my plea to try and make something of myself. Not necessarily me making something of myself, but you making something of me. I'll make you famous and reward you handsomely. You know I don't like money, so you could have most of anything I earn.
So, here it is, the official beginning of my search of my professional wrangler. If you think you are qualified, let me know.

Peace out.


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