He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Give me $$$...please?

Well, I thought I was doing OK for money, so I bought a couple albums last weekend.
By the way, if you haven't gotten Mike Doughty's Haughty Melodic yet, you is dumb. After that, you can go out and get his first couple solo albums Skittish and Rockity Roll like I did last weekend. Skittish has been played about 10 times so far. I got the Raveonettes' latest as well.
Anyway, Logan is going down the money hole again. I just bust the bay window of our neighbor's apartment with a football. Awesome. That is going to be a costly one. And Shane claims he couldn't have made the catch. No excuses. Bastard. Hehe. Sometimes I laugh when I want to cry.
I was alright for funds (as in I would have just a little over $0 in my accounts soon), but it appears that I am going to have to tack this on with all of the other debts that I have racked up. Nifty. Now, pledge drive time. Screw the victims of Katrina, Logan is needy. And who do you really care more about anyway?
Sometimes I crack jokes in poor taste when I want to cry.
Oh, and the latch just broke on my laptop, spectacular. I think I will go drive home and see if I can crash my truck too. Ha. I threw the chain on my bicycle as well. Hey. One more. I turned on the heater in my truck, to burn off the fog in my windows, and quite soon after that the most horribly rancid smell started coming out. I thought I might vomit. I think the parts of a cat that I hit on my way back here the other day might have gotten stuck inside my engine compartment, but I don't want to look.
Shit, things are looking up.

Peace out.


Blogger Logan Clark said...

Oh, they had better be good, since you got my hopes up.

6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least you have a cool name?
its good to see you whining...
you're actually a human
under all that arrogant

but am truly sorry you've had a fucked up day/week. things will look up. always do.

7:56 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Yeah, I never really whine about the big things (you know, meaninglessness), but the little preventable shit just rubs me wrong. I will elaborate on this sometime. It will be added to the list of many unfinished writings.

10:26 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Sarah lied. Shane only brought home one present. Bastard.

10:26 AM


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