He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hellfire and Eternal Damnation

It is reserved for you, sinner. Sorry, I couldn't come up with a title, then I thought of that for some reason, but had no way of making it a part of my post.

First, to get briefly political (I know how y'all hate that), President Bush just placed Karl Rove in charge of coordinating the reconstruction effort down south. Anyone care to venture a guess as to why he would appoint his chief POLITICAL advisor to this post? I smell cronyism. This isn't some revelation, but it is enough to make me break my silence on political speech. Perhaps Bush needs to ask for another bathroom break so he has time to sort this one out (to get the joke, click here)? Actually, that is a lie, this has already been well thought out for him. They know that most Americans either don't like him, love him without question, or are too dumb or uncaring to question this. And the third group doesn't care enough for the first group's protests to matter.

Brooke is a bastard-ass minion of Satan for introducing me to Facebook. Without cable or anything else (like classwork) to distract me, I am sure to spend some time (which is too much) ogling beauties and laughing at leonards on there. Great.

It seems that I must be getting lazy, I don't even bother to lock my bike to the racks around campus anymore. I must think that my time is so valuable that it can not possible be wasted with a combination lock. That, or I am too lazy to climb in the back of my truck to grab the lock from the bed where it fell on tuesday. Also, for some reason, I have started putting the bike in the back of the truck when I am at the apartment rather than locking it to the bike rack behind the apartment building. This doesn't make any sense as it definitely takes more energy than just rolling up the the rack and throwing it down. Now I must lift it over the whole bitchin' pig rack sides of my beast ('cause I park with the ass end in the trees like a true redneck). Perhaps I am subconsciously trying to get a workout in to stop the gradual decline of my physical capabilities.

Oh, time for the next class, it was nice of the Canuck to let us out of my previous class early.

Peace out.


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