He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ooops...I crapped my pants

New contest:

Last night I was awakened by my need to use the rest room as I had decided to empty the water pitcher and most of the lemonade pitcher before I hit the hay. So, I staggered in, turned on the light (for some odd reason), did my biz, and headed back to bed. Of course, when I turned off the light, I was blind as a blind person (only without the heightened hearing and smell). As I continued my walk to bed I suddenly had the door to my room slam shut in my face. The air pressure had caused it to move quite quickly and probably would have hurt me if I had been a couple inches farther ahead. It was a narrow miss to say the least and, even without thinking of the threat of bodily harm (I was too groggy for that), it scared me something fierce. I went to bed disturbed, I haven't been frightened like that in some time.
Anyway, this is the point of the post, we have a new contest. Give us the most recent incident that scared the poopity out of you. Not the scariest ever, 'cause that is subject to too much selective memory and because I don't feel like searching my mind to find that one, just give us the most recent. (Us? Ha.) We will judge (because judging is fun for humans) and the winner gets a prize. I figure all people should get a prize when they are frightened in a truly interesting and perhaps hilarious manner. Let me know if you want the prize to be a surprise or if you would prefer to know what you are getting yourselves into.

Don't be shy.

Peace out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the surprise?? I would like to know in advance!!!

7:48 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Why? There is surprise prize because people like surprises and prizes. Oh, you meant "what"? OK, I have individualized prizes. For you, you have a free pass to visit my apartment every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-3. Good luck, I hope you win.

8:00 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Drats, a whole day without a single entrant? I must have lost all those readers that once claimed to check out the blog regularly.

8:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...here is my entry. So the other day I was closing at hometown and when I went to throw the garbage in the dumpters a bird flew out of the dumpster and scared me to death!

9:51 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Shane is scared of the internet (because Brooke is mean, I don't think that makes sense thought), but his only time being scared in the last few years was having birds and crap fly up near him when walking in the dark woods during deer hunting. What a loser. I have threatened to stand naked next to his bed while he sleeps just to scare him.

9:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

if shane wants to see mean...i'll show him mean!! do i win yet?? shane's story was so not cool!

6:55 PM


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