He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

When you're feeling in the dumps, don't be silly chumps.

Just visit your local state park and do your homework while sprawled out in the middle of a hiking path. Well, that, or you could at least take in the lovely sights and sounds of the many-colored, rustling leaves or the variety of animals preparing for the cold season.
That's right. I was back out doing "research" for my Writing in Communities project at the state park. I don't know if anyone else in the course managed to somehow make a process where they hang out by themselves counted as a community action. Sneaky sneaky.
I wandered along over a few miles of trails, did a little reading for my classes, and pretended that the reason I was wearing my backpack was to prepare myself for hiking in Montana next Summer. I didn't take any naps this time, but leaf rolling and needle fondling (uh huh) were just as dandy. Just pretend that I am a six-year-old and it all seems perfectly normal.
My knowledge of the woods also increased a good bit today. I paid more attention to what was growing where and finally remembered the name of one of the primary trees that had been slipping my mind (Hickory). Grand ol' afternoon.

Another good news day in the life of marijuana:
- Lung Cancer? Perhaps not.
- Improved memory? Heck yes. (Well, only in high doses.)
Why is Middle America scared of this stuff? Democrats are scared to touch the issue as they are too busy looking mainstream and don't want to offend the sensibilities of the "good parents" out there. The Republicans only pretend that they are against government regulation.
It is up to you....or me, but I am busy with school and whatnot. Give me a bumpersticker though. I'll sign petitions too. I might even show up at some rallies, but school has to come first. When I have graduated and am teaching the young people of America, then I can get active, I am sure the schools will love it.

Why do unshowered white kids wear du-rags? I thought the reason for the darn thing was to protect well coifed hair, not to hide a kid's oily, shaggy mess. I tried to research the history of the du-rag, but Google wasn't to helpful (or I didn't know what to look for), so I need someone out there to do some research, throw it my way, and then I will come out with my formal position on du-rags.
This is important stuff people, get to it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck democrats they are just wussies. Who is more of a wuss? The moralistic ones or the ones afraid to show their true colors?

I like nature. Nature is mt friend. The firey red leaves that look like drops of wine are my favorite, but the bright orange masses against the black black branches are beautiful too.

You know, I'd rather see a white kid wearing a du-rag than see their oily messes. Either way they look like idiots. I'd just rather not see the oilieness

6:16 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

The chickenshitters, the others (if genuine) at least have a whole religion to cite as their purpose and inspiration.

I love the deep red of some of the oaks. Set against gnarled branchs.

I just think all the kids should have to have braids under those things. I don't like people to misuse devici. It makes as much sense as me wearing a bra to cover hairy nipples.
Ha, I bet you like that image.

5:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:19 AM


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