He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, October 31, 2005

If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten,

What all have you forgotten? I have forgotten more than I care to recall. It seems that I am correct in my previous assessment of my faculties. Not only was I better read as child, but I seem to have lost my ability to spew massive amounts of bullshit.
I still have the capabilities to produce more b.s. than the common person, but my production has been greatly reduced. That is the only explanation that I can find for my recent troubles.

Who wants to read something completely random? Well, this next piece is something that I just started writing for no particular reason today. I have no idea what the inspiration was nor do I have an explanation for the whole thing. I will try to come up with a title though. How about....

Weakened Desire:
He was born of the cold, breath sucking lands. That is, discourse with him was like taking in air at thirty degrees below zero. The vapor crystalizes in your throat and leaves only Jake to keep at the yakking. The temperature seems to have no effect on his speech or his willingness to gossip. I would dare to say that he is the only one who appreciates his "discussions". The obnoxious taunts and tangents don’t suit the senses of many others. Then again, what do I know? I am simply a college dropout with no motivation and little desire. Call me lazy, I’ll call myself unaffected. My ambitions, if they can be called such, are opposing to most folk's desires. The Almighty Dollar is not my god, I couldn’t care less for sexual experience, and the admiration of others is not admirable to me. Sax, my hound, seems to have a high opinion of me. She keeps getting fed as it gives me someone to talk to, but I am really only avoiding the Jakes, Janes, and Genes. Sax is a sounding board for my lack of desire. She is a willing acoustic wall, so long as I don’t kick her off the couch. If only someone could do that for me. The mutt might be up to job, but she would think much of it and expect me to pay her for services rendered. I can't afford the kibble.

Yeah, so that came from somewhere, but I bet that it is based primarily in my lack of sleep mixed with my rum & coke elixir. Grammatical errors probably abound throughout that bit of trash. I don't even know why I would post it. I should stick to poetry. Perhaps I will be back a bit later with a well inspired bit of verse. I doubt it.


Update: Nov. 1, 2005 9:00 PM, I am revising the paragraph as it didn't seem right to leave a first draft up there. If you want, Emily, I will post the original along with the revised version for you to compare.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good. The beginning is awesome. The end could be polished. But it's good. Not something I'd expect to hear from you though...still, it is good.

8:18 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

I haven't read it yet. It did feel more inspired towards the beginning though.

9:44 PM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Hehe, the name "Ralph" can destroy the flow of any piece. That was great.

7:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha, i think that's true. ralph just does not fit anywhere. although 'albert' would be worse. my plant's name is albert...

2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Overall, I really like the changes you made. Sax is a much better name than Ralph. Also the fact that she is a girl seem more real to me though I don't know why. Maybe because I'm mistaking the author for the persona and I know the auther has a female dog ;)

My favorite line:
"She keeps getting fed as it gives me someone to talk to, but I am really only avoiding the Jakes, Janes, and Genes."

The voice in the piece is like Holden Caufield without the swearing and teenage angstiness. I would, however, reconsider the end..."The mutt might be up to job, but she would think much of it and expect me to pay her for services rendered. I can't afford the kibble"
I think it would be much stronger to end this part with "If only someone could do that for me".
Then you could start a new paragraph or some shit and bring Jake back into it. Now that you've introduced him, and the narrorator, go on to the situation the narrorator was going to talk about with Jake before he got sidetracked. Or just leave it. Its your piece. Would be stronger without the last two sentances though.

10:06 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

It all depends on whether closure is desired. If I were to continue writing it or wanted to be a cliffhanger kind of guy I would take out those last two.
I liked Sax a bit too. A little bit of that is that I decided to add the underlying theme that the narrator hasn't really escaped sexual desire, so he has a female dog with a name remarkable close to sex (I am not hinting at beastiality, just that sex is still in his mind). "The human drama will always pull you back in."

6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah, I thought it had some sort of sexual connotation, but chose to leave that alone. Are we seeing that perhaps the narrorator is attracted to Jake? It could be a logical conclusion, especially taking my favorite line into consideration.

8:20 PM


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