He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Forget about your sin. Give the audience a grin.

I have no idea how many of you there happens to be in the audience at any point in time. Probably two or three. Good enough. I would thank you for your loyal readership, but I can really only thank Emily and Sarah (sortive...hehe...you will get the joke later on) for that much as they are my only regular commenters. But, whatever, I don't mind. It is not as if I am not used to talking to myself. Typing to myself isn't that different.

Alright, on to the joke. My heart and a prize to any D-Eer out there who can tell me who is was that thought "sortive" was an actual word (you know a combination of "sort of"). My best guess is that it was Jason Sturm (bless his little heart and mind) as I have some strange inkling in my memory that it was him. I know that the one place I saw it (who knows how many times this person spoke it as one word and we had no way of knowing it) was on a burned CD. It said "Hard Rock Sortive" on it. I can't recall who own the particular CD (Jed?), but I do recall that the owner had received it from someone else. The time of this sighting was at some point in my senior year. This still perplexes me and I would like the mystery solved. Get to it.

Oh, I was happy for a bit today. My afternoon was spent wandering the trails out at Great River Bluffs State Park. Completely worth the gas money. The Sugar Maples were incredible (as were the birch, oaks, etc.), they really caught my eye.
I did have a debate with myself as to whether I was actually attempting to force happiness on myself since I knew that places like that one are supposed to make me happy or if I was genuinely happy. I do know that I was genuinely relaxed when I got out on one of the overlooks and felt the need to recline, take of my shoes, and rest for twenty minutes or so. I didn't even look at the view to terribly much (other than to try to analyze each type of tree in the view before me), I just covered my eyes and felt the grasses touching me.
I also experienced a genuine longing for more when I started running over possible camping trips to these very specific camping spots. Heck, when I found out that those spaces were in a special group campground I even planned out a group camping trip for my 4-H kids just so that I would be able to be there for any reason. How selfish of me.

By the way, that new favorite song that I mentioned was an interesting cover of the Bob Marley tune "High Tide or Low Tide" that was done live by Jack Johnson and Ben Harper on Last Call with Carson Daly. That is probably the only good thing that his show (or Carson in general) has given us, but it makes up for all the smucky, MTV crap he did over the years. If you request it, I just might burn all three of you readers a CD with the song on it.

"You can't deal with my infinite nature, can you?"

"That is so not true- Wait, what does that even mean?"



Blogger Logan Clark said...

I always do my best to distract others from their schoolwork. Sometimes my efforts even force me to make fun of Brooke by way of AIM during class.
You should be happy that you don't go to a laptop university.

3:11 PM


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