He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another Week Down

I am nearing the end of my school year. Me happy. My gardening season has started and it is tough to not let my number one priority make my number six priority lose all of its limited time allotment.

Crud...I forgot this post and now it is my bedtime (that post time is about two hours early). Umm...short version:

I went to Eau Claire this Friday, pretended to work Sunday, and fell asleep in my clothes from tiredness in my Eyota bed early on Saturday night.

I am introducing Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance to a class of juniors tomorrow. I don't feel qualified, and I should probably get some more background knowledge before 11:30 AM tomorrow. Still have to pick out the poems to study. Trouble trouble (that is double trouble).

This is my favorite reading quotation for the week:
"That the world I was in could be soft, lovely, and nourishing was more than I could bear, and so I stood there and wept, for I didn't want to love one more thing in my life, didn't want one more thing that could make my heart break into a million little pieces at my feet. But all the same, there it was, and I could not do much about it..."



Blogger Logan Clark said...

I am the worst ever. I make it weird, they say. But the kids like me, and I occasionally teach them how to hurt eachother.

4:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been feelin like that quotation too lately. It seems.

10:42 AM

Blogger Logan Clark said...

Your absence was noted.

2:35 PM


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