He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Can't Stand The Schoolin'

Yeah. I done gots lots o' work to be doin'. Had to get an extension on a paper, so I still have that one to get done for tomorrow. And two more, 12 pages worth of high quality analytical stuff, for Thursday. A couple more quizzes and I think a test will lead me to a poopy week.
I gave an excellent explanation of why school is silly for me last night. I should have saved it. It even gave a justification for the acceptance of "poor" grades. I'll have to ask Esther to relate it back to me, if she remembers.

I had a good fill of the testosterone-charged college males on Friday night. And I managed to not even knock anyone out. That was nice.

Oh, the worst part of this school thing is that it is now taking me away from my training. This, however, highlights one of the best parts of my job. I can choose my hours and disapear for a week or two if I have to. But that is something I do not enjoy doing. Hopefully, I will find the time to meet up with the fighters down in Winona as least one day this week.
School also keeps me from gardening, but it is quite wet out anyway, so it is okay that I am not getting there too much. I would like to have taken down some trees this weekend though, as the grandparents are in Cali forn i a.

Back to schoolwork.



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