He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

School days are here again

Well, I couldn't find a dance class that fit into my schedule, but I did manage to add a couple credits to get up to 18. I go for 18 because we get charged the same whether we take 12 or 18, so I might as well get my money's worth.
These are my classes:
Bowling - for the second time in my college career I will be spending my Wednesday mornings bowling.
THAD 141, Oral Interp. - I guess I get to express some of my creativity? Eh, it is a requirement for my major, so whatever.
Educ 449, Middle Level Phil/Org/Planning - Apparently half of this class is yet another adolescent development class and half is curriculum planning. Can't I just take half of it?
CMST 287, Conflict and Communication: Umm....we look at types of conflict and methods for solving it, yay.
Eng 432, Comparative Lit - We compare literature from different cultures. Turns out different cultures have a different theory on what a story should be. Who knew? Everyone? Well...yeah.
Eng 328, English Syntax - Wooooo! Sentence structure is exciting.
Eng 326, Figures in Lit: Salman Rushdie - A two credit course with my favorite/hardest prof that I picked up for the heck of it. Should be a fun time. No tests and just a couple of papers. She hates my method for creating papers but loves my papers.

Oh, time to go get dressed and run off to finally turn in my PC. I really don't want to get a new one.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rainy Day Freedom

It is raining, so I have the day to sit around and be chill. I don't know when I will get in all of my hours this week since I am supposed to take off tomorrow as well to set up for my fight team's show, which is going down tomorrow night. I say that this is still part of the same return as last time because it hasn't been a month gap yet. It takes a month to be considered away. But Em is correct that it hasn't exactly been triumphant.

I still haven't turned in my laptop as I was supposed to early this summer. Oh well, I just need to get it in before the 28th. After that, I start getting fined.

My school schedule only has 15 credits. That is hilarious. Easiest semester ever. Perhaps I'll find myself another course to take. I also need to take care of an equivalency still. Goodness I am behind the times.
