He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

UFC Journal

Well, folks. I am already out in San Diego for my fight in the UFC, and I figured this was enough of a special occasion to deserve a special dedication to blogging.

This week I had to make a trip out to Vegas on Wednesday. I was on the ground there for less time than I was in the air. The day started out waiting up at 3:45 AM and ended with me getting back to Eyota 11 PM. Rather ridiculous. I got oiled up and sprayed down with oodles of water while getting videotaped and photographed in a cold warehouse room. I also had a nice interview to do there.
Thursday and Friday I was followed around in Winona and back to Eyota by a camera crew doing work for MSNBC. Apparently they are doing a series on MMA, heard about me from the UFC, and wanted to do a profile on me. That was an incredibly time consuming thing to be doing while I was trying to get my finals all done. Those folks are going to meet up with me out here again and film the last few days leading up to the fight as well as at the fight and after, so I better win because I don't want to wind up on television crying or anything like that. I am working on an image here. Hehe.
I wrote and eight page paper between 8 AM and noon Tuesday, and took four finals the last two days of the weeks, so now I just have to do a couple of other papers while I am out here. One should be done tomorrow and the other started up.
I flew out here Friday afternoon and have been putzing around since then. Didn't have time for a workout yesterday and had to go get a blood test done this morning and then had to get a neuro exam done back at the base where we are staying, so that took up all day, and I just got a short workout in later this evening.
My coach just got in late tonight after they screwed up his flight by thinking he was flying out from Rochester, NY rather than MN. My other cornermen won't get in until the week starts, but that is all good. I have a couple of other guys to work out with and will do just fine until they get here.

Tomorrow is a free day with a few workouts planned. I am 15 pounds over right now, so that shouldn't be too hard to get down. I'll let you know if anything too exciting happens, and I'll probably tell you about the mundane crap as well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never felt prouder in saying that I am in love with Logan Clark.
- You stay classy San Diego

12:27 AM


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