He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Update From A Whale's Vagina

Sorry, an Anchorman inspired comment on the last post inspired me to make an Anchorman-inspired title. So much inspiration going around.

So I still don't have my papers done, which sucks, and I am starting to get more and more distracted now. Argh. Gotta buckle down.
Yesterday I just did a couple of workouts. One with my coach, and one with another Minnesotan fighting on this card, Brock Larson. He figured out that I have come here to learn as well as to fight, so he was showing me a few things. I learn quickly, so i wouldn't be surprised if I ended up using some of it in the fight.
It seems that most people expect me to lose, so I just have to work hard to not let that affect me mentally. I am around 10 over, so hopefully I don't weaken mentally as I lose the weight as sometimes happens to me. I would be fine after the weigh-ins, but I don't want to be weak at any time. It would depress me to the point of not getting my schoolwork done.
I've spent some time talking with Shonie Carter, another of the fighters who has been around a lot longer than me, about the business, and he has told me some interesting things. Too much to explain right now, with the schoolwork to do and all.

I will work out a little later today, after it warms up as couple of fighters apparently broke some exercise bikes while moving them, so we lost the use of one of the buildings. Now I have to train in a modified raquetball court that has a vent to let in the outside air and doesn't ever really warm up. I forgot to bring sweatpants and a rubber suit. Hopefully I get both of those in today.
I'll likely work out twice and need to get over to the commissary to get the food that I will consume after weigh-ins. I bet they have Pedialyte. I tried to go last night, but was incorrectly informed that they were open until nine when they closed up at eight. I did get a nice walk out of it as I decided to hoof it over there rather than call up the drivers to get a ride.

I'll try to do something exciting like get into a shoving match with my opponent or the biggest Marine I can find, so I'll have something interesting to blog about.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

god what is it with guys and quotations from bad will ferrel movies about whale's vaginas? leave vaginas alone. they can talk ya know.

9:19 PM


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