He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

"It's not a lie, if you believe."

Well, I be motherfucking mildly not happy as I just lost a good 500 word blog. It appears my technological inneptitude is coming back to bite my ass. Luckily, I have nothing but time on my hands and will thusly retyped the previous blog in an abbreviated form. They say you should always rewrite a work at least once. And so...

I do not feel the stress in such a manner as the lovely Sarah seems to. In fact, I find that on most occasions my professors are wasting my time by having be come to their classes. And it seems those same professors don't seem to give a damn if I tell them so. Which means I must resign myself to not doing the work and just taking my darned good grades without a fight. It does, however, seem rather odd that my Biology professors main goals for the class seem to be that all college students stop all their drinking and spend so much time worrying about getting STDs that they don't have time for sex. Also I would advise to the Sarah that she look into medicinal marijuana to help with her sleeping troubles. You dreams will be much more condusive to relaxation and hallucination, while your body will be allowed to properly rest.
Recently I spent a rather extended evening in the not so lovely city of St. Paul on the not so loving and tolerant as it thinks Hamline University campus. What had intended to be nightlong quick trip ended up spanning from 9 pm Friday til 2:30 pm Monday. Good thing I convinced my manager that I had broken my truck and couldn't quite make my three hour Saturday shift. And, luckily, I had a good bit of excitement to justify the elongated personal time. Friday, while being full of good times, did not fill be up with the usual wild times that I have come to expect from Logan-led Hamline weekends. This changed on Saturday when I managed to do my usual and get the old roommate more drunk than he planned and in more trouble than he would have liked. The night came to an end when I, after taking the horribly drunk student body V-P back to his abode, found myself soaking wet. It seems I fell through the ice of a backyard swimming pool. Some would say I jumped in, but I have no trust in what they say. Nevertheless I did happen to be wrining out my shoes when the St. Paul Police paid a visit to the house at which I had been attending a lovely little shindig. Anyway as the many students fled the scene I found myself in the street directing traffic. Good times. Made it back to campus at least.
The rest of the weekend passed by me as I hid in a dorm room. I was mellow and that is a rare and spectacular thing that I took the time to appreciate. I do need to take care of the repairs to my vehicle that a fun weekend always seems to entail. Otherwise I will have no chance to cause a bit more trouble in the Kato this coming weekend.

Always remember: If a man were to be born to a woman with no arms he may never get to experience the joys of a good spanking. Beat your children, but do it in rhythm. We do want well rounded children you know.


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