He's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. The chronicles of Logan.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

How to justify torture?

Wait, you can't. You ball-shocking, ass-forking anal invaders are going to pay some day. If we can not bring you to justice in this life then your judgment will have to come from your God. So, if he exists, you had best repent.
Hey folks, do you think we will ever have all of the images released to the American public. I keep waiting for the mainstream to become angry. When did we become so apathetic?

Personal note: Went to Elgin last night and I lost Brad. He apparently isn't dead though as his car eventually left my house today. Also, I stayed up all night and apparently did a good bit of political talking. I hope I made some well formed arguments for the Elginians.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Going once....

I am now taking wagers as to whether or not I will make it to work this morning. It is now 1:17 and I am supposed to work at 6:30ish. You make your guess and I will let you know as to the result.

Having just made it back from the Viola street dance, I should say the women looked lovely this evening. I had forgotten what the beer-goggles were capable of.

Fun fact: Logan got shut down by the one unknown girl that he hit one. Her name was Sasha and she had a "very serious, committed boyfriend." Burn!

Well, philosophy: all of you ill-gotten gains will soon pass away and your time will come. OOOOh, how apocalyptic. Rather: you are a lovely person, but you couldn't pull your head our your ass if you had a gallon of Super Lube.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It's not the heat...

...it's the humidity. In days long ago it was easy for me to work from 6:30 to 5:30, now, I am barely able to make it 'til three. Also, I actually prefer working in the rain now.

We had hail today, the hostas were raped and hoods were mutilated.

GM is cutting 50,000 in the next 3.5 years. You have to love a bustling economy. And, these folks are betting the farm on hydrogen cars being the future. Not the best bet.

Politically, we can't get shit done in Minnesota. Apparently, when you refuse to raise any taxes (other than fees and property taxes) you aren't left with enough money to support the various mandates that have been created. Genius stuff here.
If you want to know about our shift towards a regressive tax system, let me know. If you don't say anything, I will assume you already know about that. You educated bastards.


Thursday, June 02, 2005


My current schedule is not at all conducive to blogging. (Must sleep.) I need to stop going to bed and getting back up in the wee hours. Damn you bills and the glorious things that you give me! Hopefully I can get in a semi-restful weekend down in the Iowa. I will let jokers know whenever I am coherent again.

Now, don't you go a changin'.
